
    • 3 years traveling and preaching, including over 200 school assemblies around the country.

    • 6 years preaching as a NextGen Pastor, including some Sundays.

    • 3 years preaching 35-42 weeks a year on Sundays as a Campus Pastor.

    • 3.5 years preaching 16-20 weeks a year on Sundays as Campus/Teaching Pastor.

    • Launched a Campus in 2018, 550 average attendance in Feb. 2020

    • Helped integrate another campus in 2019, 350 people

    • Launched largest campus to date in 2024, average attendance 1,088

    • Community outreach opportunities, which resulted in a 100% growth in church attendance and 100 baptisms in our first year.

    • Launched and developed a thriving group ministry, resulting in 55% of Sunday morning attendees participating in small groups

    • Implemented a healthy kids and youth ministry

    • Strategized the utilization of large budgets, upwards of 6 million dollars, for greatest ministry impact.

    • Created individual growth strategies to equip potential leaders and help move them into leadership roles

    • Set Goals and supplied resources, resulting in increased capacity of overseeing volunteers and discipling people

    • Partnered with HR for staff development

    • Developed over 15 “in-house” preachers/communicators

    • The first campus I launched was a pre-existing church where the pastor walked out on a Sunday, splitting the church and ruining the church’s reputation in the town. After 9 months, I had worked successfully with my staff to pastor the 70 people remaining and we were averaging 400 people each Sunday. We baptized 100 people in our first year. Through platform leadership and community outreach, we revitalized that congregation.

    • 2019 another pre-existing church was on the verge of closing its doors due to a lack of finances. We adopted them as a campus and after 5 years of support, they are now able to support themselves financially and are averaging 500 in attendance each Sunday.

    • With the first campus that I launched in 2018, I started with a $275,000 budget. Because of the impact I wanted to have in the community, I knew it was going to take a lot more. After trial and error, I implemented a strategy that included inspiring more first-time givers, consistent tithers, and those able to give large one-time offerings. This strategy included intentionally sharing life-changing “wins” with the church, consistently communicating with our donors, and engaging in one-on-one conversations which helped build relationships and answer questions and concerns. In less than two years, we had a 1 million dollar budget in a town with a population of 9,000 people.